Календарь мероприятий - Чем заняться в Сорренто


Найденные мероприятия ( 2 )

23/03/2012 | 00:00     01/04/2012 | 00:00
Sorrento | Sorrento
Semana Santa: Eastern in Sorrento
  During Easter, ancient, sacred rites are renewed throughout the Sorrento peninsula, a sign of a centuries-old faith collectively perceived and much felt, as well as of Catholic values...
Sorrento, Marina Grande() Sorrento, 80067
Latitude: 40 deg 37 min 48 sec N Longitude: 14 deg 22 min 12 dec W
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=&ie=UTF8&z=6&daddr=Sorrento,Sorrento 80067
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11/09/2012 | 01:24     11/09/2012 | 15:24
Catania | Stephanie
Stephanie, Via() Catania, 80229
Latitude: 40 deg 50 min 24 sec N Longitude: 14 deg 18 min 36 dec W
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=&ie=UTF8&z=6&daddr=Stephanie,Catania 80229
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